A Small Victorian dark green Moroccan leather clad pocket size money safe in the form of a Dispatch Box.
The fitted interior contains a 'Notes Pouch' and two compartments for 'Gold' and 'Silver'
Engraved gilt metal hinges and carrying handle.
Original English Bramah Lock (no key)
Maker : E Baxter, 16 Cockspur St, London.
Width :19cm, Depth : 11cm, Height : 7cm.
Would make an ideal cufflink box.
Edward Baxter, 16 Cockspur Street, London (1859-1877)
Dressing case and Travelling Bag maker and Importer of fancy Goods.
The 'Bramah Lock' was created by Joseph Bremer it was the first known high security lock that used a cylindrical key and keyhole. In 1784 he started the Bramah Locks company at 124 Piccadilly, London. The company still operates today.